Your Voice Gawler

Do you live, work, volunteer, play, study or have an interest in the Town of Gawler? Are you interested in having your views considered in Council decision making?

Your Voice Gawler is the Town of Gawler’s dedicated community engagement platform. It is designed so that community members can contribute to some of the issues currently being considered by Council.

The Town of Gawler is committed to delivering effective community engagement to identify and understand community concerns and aspirations, support mutual communication and deliberation, build effective partnerships and encourage active participation.

Getting started...

It is a quick, safe and convenient way to have your say on a range of issues and topics and a great way to keep up to date and contribute your views on issues and decisions about your community.

You can see what other community members think about an issue or topic, respond with your own views and engage in a discussion. You don't have to attend community meetings at a set place and time, you can contribute at a time and place that suits you. It allows for a range of different people, with different views to discuss matters that impact on the community.

Depending on the consultation you may be required to create an account.

Create an account...

Click here to create an account. When prompted create a USERNAME (Note: your comments will appear under your user name and you can comment anonymously through a username of your choice). Create a PASSWORD of your choice, provide a valid email address, your age, gender and the location in which you live.

Already have an account?
