Election Advocacy: State And Federal Funding Needed For Gawler Growth

Published 24th February 2022
Town of Gawler has listed its Top 5 funding priorities ahead of the 2022 State and Federal elections.

As the State and Federal Government elections approach, Town of Gawler is seeking increased support to deliver a range of crucial outcomes for the local community.

The key focuses for council include sport and recreation, health, planning and growth, supporting local businesses and housing affordability.

“Council is ever grateful for the funding support that is receives from the State and Federal Governments,” Gawler Mayor Karen Redman said.

“For example, significant community infrastructure improvements to the Gawler Civic Centre, Gawler Aquatic Centre, and Murray Street would not have been possible without this support however, more investment is required to provide appropriate infrastructure and services for our growing community.

“Gawler is one of the fastest growth areas in the state.

"Council’s budget is only able to stretch so far and is unable to fund all the required infrastructure and services that our community needs as we grow.

"State and Federal Government support in the millions, not the thousands, is what is required, and we look forward to receiving our fair share of this support in the future.”

Town of Gawler CEO Henry Inat said council continues to deliver exceptional services and support to the Gawler community with limited resources, and that added government support would go a long way to helping deliver even more for the area.

“With increased support from both the State and Federal Government even more can be achieved in delivering on Council’s vision and priorities for its community," he said.

Town of Gawler's Top 5 Election Priorities

Gawler Oval

Gawler Oval is part of council's Essex Park & Showgrounds Master Plan.

Sport and Recreation

Gawler is one of the fastest growing communities in South Australia and new communities need access to appropriate sporting and recreational infrastructure.

Sport and recreation are known to improve mental and physical health, crime prevention and social development.

Recreation facilities are effective in reducing rising rates of obesity, lack of fitness and chronic illness.

Council has identified upgrade works and new sport hubs in Gawler that will accommodate the growing needs of our community and deliver positive health and social outcomes for the entire region.

The South Australian Government’s 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide supports the need for upgraded regional sport and recreation facilities in our area.

Delivering these facilities requires millions of dollars of priority investment from the State and Federal Governments, not irregular amounts in the thousands.


Rapid population growth is occurring in Gawler, however current State Government plans for investment in health are not matching our needs.

Increased capacity and improved facilities should be delivered near where the population growth is occurring: Gawler, not the Barossa Valley.

Demand for health services in Gawler and surrounds is evident with significant private sector investment already occurring, but more public funding is required sooner rather than later.

Gawler is within the Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network and Council stands ready to work with the network as part of the Regional Health Plan to improve health outcomes for our community.

The State Government has a critical role in bringing new investment to health within Gawler focusing on essential services such as obstetrics and gynaecology, care for the older person, as well as advocacy to the Federal Government, for example, on much-needed subsidies for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

Gawler Health Service

Gawler Health Service requires significant investment to meet growing community demands.

Planning and Growth

The Planning, Development, and Infrastructure (PDI) Act 2016 has diluted community voices in local development.

Council is raising its concerns at the highest level regarding the existing lack of community involvement in planning, engaging directly with the Minister for Planning and seeking wider sector engagement and influence via the Local Government Association’s Ordinary General Meeting.

Council is working collaboratively with local developers to get the best results for our community, supporting good development whilst discouraging bad development.

The timely provision of infrastructure is critical to appropriately managing our growth, as is the seamless integration of this infrastructure with existing community assets.

Ensuring that the future Concordia Urban Growth Area is developed as a natural extension to the existing Gawler township is essential to achieving such orderly development in our area, as evidenced by Council’s Boundary Reform Proposal.

Supporting Local Business

Economic development is intrinsically connected to our local business community.

Council contributes to economic development in a variety of ways - be it through our innovative business Covid support package, events such as the Fringe, improvements to roads and streetscape such as Murray Street and, of course, climate action and greening of our town.

Most of these measures have had some support of either state or federal funding.

As we grow, federal grants such as financial assistance grants need to be increasingly invested in local communities that then contribute to economic development.

We welcome discussions with our federal and state partners to invest in Gawler and support our business sector both large and small.

Housing Affordability

Council is tackling the issue of housing affordability and homelessness through collaborations with some of South Australia’s leading advocates in the sector.

Council has recently become a member of Shelter SA and has been a key contributor to the Gawler Housing Action Plan, advocating for improved outcomes for all.

Council is becoming increasingly concerned with the increase in rough sleeper numbers in our community and more support from the State and Federal Governments is required.

Investigations are underway regarding the provision of a secure locker system for rough sleepers with Council seeking sector-wide support for the initiative via the Local Government Association.

Council is convening a second forum on housing affordability in March 2022 seeking to establish interest in a possible model to deliver affordable housing to the area and would welcome a discussion with Government regarding increased public funding.