
Established in July 1857, the Municipality of the Town of Gawler boasts a rich history of community governance.

The role of Council as set out in the Local Government Act can be summarised as follows:

  • Provide for the government and management of the Council area.
  • Act as a representative, informed and responsible decision maker in the interests of the community.
  • Provide and co-ordinate various public services and facilities.
  • Develop the community and resources in a socially just and ecologically sustainable manner.
  • Encourage and develop initiatives for improving quality of life of its residents.
  • Represent the interests of the residential and business community.
  • Exercise, perform and discharge statutory powers, functions and duties.

Council employs staff within four Divisions:

  • Finance and Corporate Governance
  • Community and Strategy
  • Infrastructure and Operations
  • Development and Compliance

To assist us in carrying out our business, we appoint Committees under Sec 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 and the number of committees will vary in accordance with operational needs.

Similarly, we contract services of external contractors and utilise the valuable services provided to us by volunteers in a range of activities that support us in our business.

The Local Government Association of South Australia (LGA) has information available to residents detailing services provided by Councils in response to the needs and priorities of local communities.

Role of Local Council

Mr. Andrew Goodsell

Acting Chief Executive Officer
Tel. 08 8522 9271