
Section 246 of the Local Government Act 1999 confers powers to Council, subject to this or another Act, to make By-Laws. Council has a general power to make By-Laws for the good rule and government of the area, and for the convenience, comfort and safety of its community.

A by-law to create a permit system for Council By-laws, to fix maximum and continuing penalties for offences, and to clarify the construction of Council By-laws.

By-law No. 1 - Permits and Penalties

A by-law to set standards for moveable signs on roads and to provide conditions for the placement of such signs for the purpose of protecting visual amenity and public safety.

By-law No. 2 - Moveable Signs

A by-law for the management, control and regulation of activities on roads in the Council's area.

By-law No. 3 - Roads

A by-law to manage and regulate the access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads), and certain public places.

By-law No. 4 Local Government Land

A by-law to limit the number of dogs kept on premises and for the management and control of dogs in the Council's area.

By-law No. 5 - Dogs