Public Attendance at Council and Committee Meetings

The Town of Gawler welcomes and encourages public attendance at all Council and Committee Meetings and Council workshops.  The general public are welcome to attend and listen.

Members of the public can request to speak as a formal deputation or during 'Public open forum'.

You need to be aware that although your views are welcomed, you will not be able to take a direct part in the debate on any item.

You can come and go at any time, but please try to avoid disrupting the meeting when leaving. We try and ensure items of public interest are discussed early on in the agenda.

The safety of the public, Council Members and staff is paramount and as such no person, except Council Members and employees shall be permitted beyond the podium.

As a general rule information is not to be handed out to Council Members at Council and or Committee meetings. Any information wanting to be presented to Member requires approval from the Mayor or Chair before the meeting.

At Council and or Committee meetings the Mayor or Chair will make it clear to the gallery that the Council Member seating area cannot be accessed during meetings.

No person shall be permitted to engage in conversation with Council Members or staff during meetings without the express permission of the Mayor or Chair.

Members of the public are encouraged to have discussions with Members before or after meetings.

Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated and in accordance with Section 30 of the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013 a member of the public behaves in a disorderly manner or cause an interruption they face a maximum penalty of $500.00.

All Members are asked to be mindful of potential safety concerns and bring such concerns to the attention of the Mayor or CEO who will then consider what action, if any may be deemed appropriate/necessary.

Anger, rudeness, ridicule, obscene or profane language, impatience and lack of respect for others and personal attacks are not acceptable behaviour.

In the event that the meeting attendees become unruly either individually or as a group where it is deemed that a threat to public safety or to an individual exists, the Mayor or Chair may suspended the meeting and police attendance requested.

Any person making irrelevant, inappropriate or offensive remarks, who becomes boisterous while addressing the Council, may be cautioned by the Mayor or the Chair and only be given the opportunity to conclude his or her remarks on the subject in an appropriate manner and within the designated time limit at the discretion of the Mayor or the Chair.

Any person failing to comply as cautioned shall not be allowed to remain as part of the public gallery.

The Mayor, for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the meeting, may direct the CEO to escort them from the meeting. Failure to comply could result in police attendance.