Gawler Business Survey 2020

Gawler Business Survey 2020

Help Council understand the effectiveness of the small business initiatives undertaken in the past financial year in line with the Small Business Friendly Council Charter and the "wellness" of your business by completing our survey.
Consultation Dates:
Opened 11 Nov 2020 Closed 02 Dec 2020


Small Business Survey

Town of Gawler is conducting a business survey to measure the effectiveness of the Small Business Friendly Initiatives it has delivered under its commitment to the Small Business Friendly Council Charter and also to gauge the general “wellness” of Small Business in the Local Government Area (LGA) in the current climate.

Town of Gawler is a signatory to the 'Small Business Friendly Council Charter' which means Council has agreed to meet five required initiatives, as well as additional initiatives designed to foster and support small business in their area.

The five required initiatives under the Charter are:

  1. Implementing activities to improve the operating environment for small business within Council’s area.
  2. Establishing a business advisory group (if one does not already exist) to assist Council’s understanding of small business in its area;
  3. Implementing a procurement policy which recognises and supports local small businesses wherever possible.
  4. Paying undisputed invoices from small businesses within 30 days.
  5. Implementing a timely and cost effective dispute resolution process to manage disputes.

Councils are then required to identify and implement three additional initiatives per year to support local small business.

Please assist Council by answering the Gawler Business Survey to tell us:

  • what you think of the initiatives delivered in the 2019/2021 Financial Year;
  • what initiatives you would like to see Council focus on in the future;
  • the value that you place on the Gawler Business Development Group in supporting business in the Gawler local government area(LGA); and
  • provide feedback on the "general wellness' of your business.

All questions in the survey are optional and the survey can be completed anonymously unless you would like to be contacted in regards to any of the initiatives or your comments.

Please take the time to respond to the survey and assist Council in understanding the needs of the local small business sector and how we can work together to build a greater economic future for Gawler.

Please access the survey here: Gawler Business Survey 2020