Skating Games

Skating Games

Skating Games

During our skating sessions we play numerous different games! Please see below for more details about our games , how they are played and what skating ability they are best suited for!

GameDescriptionSkating Ability Recommended
Red RoverSkate from one side of the floor to the other without being tagged by one of our catchers. If you are tagged you need to leave the floor.Moderate – Advanced skating ability recommended
Jail BreakSkate around the skating rink without being tagged by one of our catchers. If you are caught you are sent to jail. If ‘jail break’ is called, you are free to return to the game until everyone has been caught.Moderate – Advanced skating ability recommended
CornersSkate around our skating floor until the music stops, then make your way to our nearest coloured corner. If our coloured spinner points to your corners colour, you’re out.Beginner – Advanced Skating ability recommended
LimboRoll under our limbo bar until you can’t get any lower! How low can you go on skates or blades?Beginner – Advanced Skating ability recommended
Crazy SkatingSkating around in the general direction when you hear the whistle blow change direction. Continue changing direction each time you hear the whistle blow – try not to get too dizzy!Beginner – Advanced Skating ability recommended
Speed Skating

Show us how fast you can go! Skaters get the opportunity to see how fast they can really go in an controlled environment in both the general and non-general direction.

*Patrons who are hiring skates or blades will not be eligible to participate in speed skating. Participants must be wearing their own skates or blades.

Moderate – Advanced skating ability recommended